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PD Written by Teachers, For Teachers

Washington State OSPI Approved

Pencils and Notebooks


PD Pro provides a voice and space to the expert educators, administrators, and coaches currently working in the field to create exceptional, relevant, and practical professional development.

We know teachers need current and applicable strategies to support their students.

We believe that the collective knowledge in our schools can and will improve the educational landscape through training, mutual understanding, and support.  

PD Pro



PD Pro works with current educators to create courses based on their unique expertise in schools. As educational leaders, coaches, and masters in their subjects, they provide strategies based on current best practices as well as their personal experiences working with diverse learners. 


PD Pro courses are designed to support educators in current classrooms, providing practical and applicable methods, ideas, and techniques that can be implemented immediately.


PD Pro courses can be taken and completed on your own timeline with access from any computer. Courses cost $5/clock hour and are available in a variety of       options from 5 hours to 70. 


PD Pro believes that the attainment of clock hours should be straightforward and affordable. To earn clock hours, follow these steps:


1. Select the course you would like to take by examining the catalog or choosing from the featured courses below.

2. Follow the prompts to pay for the course.


3. Complete the course and submit the required assignment.

4. Clock hours will be sent to your email.

5. Give your clock hours to your school district.

Link to Course Catalog 

Have questions? Email us:

School Notebook
Taking Notes

New PD!

900 Improving Secondary Assessments

10 Clock Hours, $50


This engaging course examines various assessment strategies and how they can improve student engagement and learning in the secondary classroom. It thoroughly presents the necessity of relevant and applicable assessments, rather than cookie-cutter or standardized choices, giving the classroom teacher new tools to understand how well their students are learning.

Required Texts: 

Fair Isn’t Always Equal, Rick Wormeli

Classroom Assessment and Grading That Work, Robert Marzano 

Solving Math Problem

New PD!

885 Increasing Learning and Engagement in MS Math with the Thinking Classroom

20 Clock Hours, $100


Peter Liljedahl’s book Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics revolutionized the traditional ways of teaching mathematics. It presents a completely opposite methodology of teaching, “I Do, We Do, You Do” which is a standard in many math classrooms today. This course comprehensively teaches how to implement new strategies to help students learn, retain, and engage in math concepts.  

Required Text: Building Thinking Classroom in Mathematics by Peter Liljedahl

Girls in the Library

New PD!

880 Teacher Toolbox: Literature Circles

30 Clock Hours, $150

This comprehensive course teaches the concepts, components, strategies, and benefits of Literature Circles for all grade and ability levels. It provides the necessary support and instruction to implement literature circle techniques in your classroom which will facilitate student growth and their love for reading.


Required Text: Traditional Literature Circles: Literature Circles Voice and Choice in Book Clubs and Reading Groups, 2nd Edition by Harvey Daniels


New PD!

705 Social Media and Student Well-Being: Taking Action

30 Clock Hours, $150

This important course will examine the text The Anxious Generation and what author Jonathan Haidt refers to as a rewiring of childhood from a play-based childhood to a phone-based childhood. Haidt offers collective action, practical solutions, and recommendations for a healthier childhood. This course will also suggest specific practices, experiences, and routines that can be implemented within the classroom setting, needing little to no outside resources.

Required Text: The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness, by Jonathan Haidt

Child Counseling

New PD!

875 ADHD vs. Autism vs. AUDHD

5 Clock Hours: $25


This informative course offers a description of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and the intersection of both known as AuDHD. Designed for teachers working with neurodiverse students, this course focuses on understanding the similarities and differences between these diagnoses. Educators will learn practical strategies to create supportive, inclusive learning environments that meet the unique needs of these students. The course will help deepen knowledge about identifying traits and implementing targeted strategies to meet the students’ academic and social needs for success.

Reading in Park

New PD!

870 Teacher Toolbox: Reimaging Data

20 Clock Hours, $100


This intriguing course is based on the text Street Data: A Next-Generation Model for Equity, Pedagogy, and School Transformation by Shane Safir and Jamila Dugan. It challenges the idea of using standardized tests and typical data to drive teaching and learning and instead proposes a transformative model where educational success is defined by human stories instead of numbers. It encourages a holistic approach of instruction based on student experiences.


Required Text: Street Data: A Next-Generation Model for Equity, Pedagogy, and School Transformation by Shane Safir and Jamila Dugan.

Upside Down Chairs

Updated PD!

755 Child Abuse and Neglect, Mandated Reporting, ACES, and SEL

20 clock hours, $100

This course examines the critical topics of identifying child abuse and neglect, mandated reporting, Adverse Childhood Conditions (ACES), and Social Emotional Learning. It fulfills the State of Washington WAC 181-79A-030 and RCW 28A.410.035.

Writing with Pen

New PD!

865 Reflections in Practice: Strengthening Learning Partnerships

10 Clock Hours, $50


This quick and relevant course intends to help teachers understand the importance of family engagement in the classroom and offer strategies to improve involvement, leading to student success. Teachers will be asked to journal their learnings and explore how their own practice can be improved through a reflective process.


Required Text: Powerful Partnerships A Teacher’s Guide to Engaging Families for Student Success by Karen L. Mapp, Ilene Carver, and Jessica Lander.

Women Holding Hands

New PD!

735 Learning Partnerships: Family Engagement and Community Partnerships in the Classroom

50 Clock Hours, $250

This informative, updated course equips educators with the knowledge and skills to effectively engage families and communities in the educational process, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for student success. This course is grounded in the State of Washington CCDEI standards and fulfills the CCDEI requirements for clock hours.

Required Texts: School, Family, and Community Partnerships Your Handbook for Action 4th Edition. Joyce L. Epstein and Associates.

101 Ways to Create Real Family Engagement by Dr Steven M Constantino

Stuffed Felt Alphabets

New PD!

835 ECE Literacy Strategies

20 Clock Hours, $100


This relevant and current course provides numerous instructional strategies and information to enable the p-3 teacher to create a quality, effective literacy program in their own classroom. It reviews the science of reading, core literacy principles, developmental understandings, applicable assessments, and intentional supports.

Required Text: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood by Jodene L. Smith

Classmates in Library

New PD! 

860 Serving Gifted and Talented Students in the Classroom

20 Clock Hours


This informative module presents the characteristics of gifted and talented students; discerning how they learn and what they need to be successful in the classroom. This PD will equip teachers with strategies that will help students find success in and outside of a traditional gifted program.

Required Texts: Differentiated Instruction in the Regular Classroom by Diane Heacox; The Differentiated Classroom by Carol Ann Tomlinson

New PD!

770 Since Time Immemorial

50 Clock Hours, $250

This comprehensive course explores Washington State Indigenous Tribes, their history, heritage, and uniqueness. It then examines the Since Time Immemorial Curriculum, providing an in depth look at its requirements, classroom implementation, and resources. Collaboration with tribes and strategies for lesson planning are presented.  This course fulfills State of Washington Senate Bill 5433 STI requirement. 

Required Texts: Contested Boundaries: A New Pacific Northwest History by David Jepsen and David Norberg; A Guide to the Indian Tribes of the Pacific Northwest by Dr. Robert H. Ruby M.D., John A. Brown, Cary C. Collins


New PD!

845 Implementing the Science of Reading in the 3-5 Classroom

30 Clock Hours, $150


This engaging and informative course identifies common literacy practices to reconsider based on previous and current confusion and misunderstandings. It identifies high leverage instructional routines for teachers to consider, implement, and support their shift to a new perspective regarding literacy instruction. This course addresses the 3-5 classroom.

Required Text: Shifting the Balance 6 Ways to Bring the Science of Reading Into the Upper Elementary Classroom (3-5) by Katie Egan Cunningham, Jan Burkins and Kari Yates

Happy Kids with Books

New PD!

840 Implementing the Science of Reading in the k-2 Classroom

30 Clock Hours, $150


This engaging and informative course identifies common literacy practices to reconsider based on previous and current confusion and misunderstandings. It identifies high leverage instructional routines for teachers to consider, implement, and support their shift to a new perspective regarding literacy instruction. This course addresses the k-2 classroom.

Required Text: Shifting the Balance 6 Ways to Bring the Science of Reading Into the Balanced Literacy Classroom (K-2) by Jan Burkins and Kari Yates

Featured PD Courses

Below are our featured courses. All courses are $5/per clock hour. 

Click here to see our entire catalog: 

Mount Rainier.jpg

70 clock hours, $350

This course explores Pacific Northwest History from an Indigenous Perspective as well as thoroughly teaches the Since Time Immemorial Curriculum.

This course fulfills Certification Program standard 2.E, RCW 28B.10.710 and WAC 181-78A-232


.Required Texts: Contested Boundaries: A New Pacific Northwest History by David Jepsen and David Norberg; A Guide to the Indian Tribes of the Pacific Northwest by Dr. Robert H. Ruby M.D., John A. Brown, Cary C. Collins

cream colored classroom .jpg

30 clock hours, $150

This course guides secondary teachers through current best practices and effective instruction for the 6-12 classroom. These methods work for all subjects, providing thoughtful and engaging ideas that can be implemented immediately.  

Required Texts: Armstrong, T. (2016). The power of the adolescent brain: Strategies for teaching middle and high school students; Ginsberg, M. (2016). Excited to Learn:  Motivation and Culturally Responsive Teaching

Autumn Road

40 clock hours, $200

This course explores CCDEI concepts, history, and standards. It provides practical strategies to increase awareness and equity in the classroom. 

This course fulfills State of WA CCDEI requirements.

Required Text: 

Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students 1st Edition

by Zaretta L. Hammond 

Working from Home

20 Clock Hours, $100 
This course will help teachers understand how to guard their privacy, act in a safe lawful manner, and avoid liability as an educator.  This is a must take course for all new and current teachers in this ever evolving technology age.

Biology Class

30 clock hours, $150

This course presents Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math strategies that can be applied to any classroom to increase engagement and learning.  

This course fulfills State of WA STEM requirements. 

Required Text: Getting Started with STEAM: Practical Strategies for the K-8 Classroom. Billy Krakower and Meredith Martin

Chalkboard with Different Languages

20 clock hours, $100

This course presents the history, characteristics, and needs of Multiple Language Learners and provides strategies to support them in the general education classroom. 

Required Text: 

 Activities for English Language Learners Across the Curriculum

 by Stephen White

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30 Clock Hours, $150

This course comprehensively addresses the various strategies needed to implement, support, and/or enhance the dual language experience for all students. The ideas presented will increase engagement, learning, and fun in the dual language and world language classroom.

Required TextsMaking Content Comprehensible for Multilingual Learners by Echevarria, Vogt, Short & Toppel:  Culturally Responsive Teaching & The Brain by Zaretta Hammond

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50 Clock Hours, $250

This compelling course helps teachers understand current systems for identification, prevention, and support of struggling readers while identifying common causes and correlations of individual differences in reading abilities. Teachers will be able to identify and select specific instructional literacy strategies that can be implemented immediately in the elementary classroom propelling their students forward in their literacy journeys.

Required Texts: How to Plan Differentiated Reading Instruction, Second Edition Resources for Grades K-3 by Sharon Walpole, Michael C. McKenna; 

Differentiated Literacy Instruction in Grades 4 & 5, Second Edition Strategies and Resources by Sharon Walpole, Michael C. McKenna, Zoi A. Philippakos, and John Z. Strong

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15 Clock Hours, $75

This course advises and addresses how to incorporate paraprofessionals in your classroom to effectively support students, their learning goals, and the classroom environment. It suggests optimal methods for leveraging their expertise and support in the classroom. It is a must take for all teachers.

Required Text: Working with Paraeducators in the Classroom by Jennifer Cooper Scott, EDD

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10 Clock Hours: $50

This fun and engaging course presents and explains the value of storytelling as a teaching tool. It provides multiple prompts to use in the classroom and lists the benefits of storytelling such as recall, language development, vocabulary building, sequencing, visualization, problem solving, thinking skills, and relationship building.

Required Text: The Power of Story: Teaching Through Storytelling: Rives Collins, Pamela J. Cooper

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40 Clock Hours, $200​

This comprehensive course defines social emotional learning and articulates the importance of implementing SEL strategies in the classroom. It reviews competencies, addresses challenges, provides practical strategies for SEL integration, and helps teachers create an action plan for their classroom. This course fulfills the State of Washington SEL requirement: RCW 28A.410.270, RCW 28A.410.273, Program Standards 2.C.vii, WAC 181-78A-232(3)(g)

Required TextSocial-Emotional Learning and the Brain: Strategies to Help Your Students Thrive by Marilee Sprenger

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5 Clock Hours, $25

This encouraging course examines the qualities of a great teacher, offering a variety of different perspectives about how teaching changes the lives of students, and conversely, how students change the lives of teachers.

Required Text:  Today I Made a Difference: A Collection of Inspirational Stories from America's Top Educators, Edited by Joseph W. Underwood, EdD.

Nursery Play

30 clock hours, $150

This course introduces current best practices that create an inclusive, engaging, and developmentally appropriate classroom learning experience for students from preschool through third grade.

Reading Together

20 Clock Hours, $100

This course presents the science of reading and its basic principles including the five pillars of reading instruction. It provides resources and ideas to implement structured reading in the classroom and why it is so important. This is a must take for all teachers from preschool through high school. 

Required Text: Shifting the Balance, Grades K-2: 6 Ways to Bring the Science of Reading into the Balanced Literacy Classroom By: Jan Burkins & Kari Yates

Technological Products

20 clock hours, $100

This course explores the many facets of technology in today's classrooms, discerning the benefits and pitfalls of cellphones, online learning, social media, and AI. It focuses on using technology to benefit students while setting healthy limits.

Lending a Helping Hand

10 clock hours, $50

This module presents the devastating statistics surrounding students of poverty and trauma, offering practical strategies to support their academic and emotional success.

Required Texts: A Framework for Understanding Poverty by Ruby K Payne, Ph.D.Teaching with Empathy: How to Transform Your Practice by Understanding Your Learners, Lisa Westman

Teacher Helping Student

20 clock hours, $100

This course explores the different types of assessments, how to create individualized opportunities for students to show growth and differentiation for a variety of learners. 

Presentation in Class

40 clock hours, $200

This course examines the diversity of our classrooms, how to modify, accommodate, engage, and inspire students to learn and grow.

This course fulfills State of Washington CCDEI requirements.  

Required Text: How to Differentiate Instruction in Academically Diverse Classrooms, 3rd Edition by Carol Ann Tomlinson


Teachers can now add the elementary, early childhood education, and special education endorsements to their certificates through PD Pro and Northwest Educational Development. Each endorsement consists of content modules, reflections, and a field experience. Retooling can be completed in your own classroom (if your classroom matches the endorsement you are seeking) and on your own timetable. Click below for more information. 

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Author Spotlight:  Merideth Hansen

Merideth Hansen is an accomplished K-8 educator with over 30 years of dedicated experience in diverse classroom settings across Whatcom and Skagit Counties. Throughout her career, Merideth has focused on serving students in Title 1 schools, enriching the educational experiences of children from a wide array of backgrounds and cultures.Her extensive expertise spans multiple roles, including general education elementary classroom teacher, Title 1/LAP reading and math specialist at both the elementary and middle school levels, and a Pre-K to 6th grade art instructor. Merideth has also been trained as a high-capable cluster classroom teacher and has served as an autism specialist for her grade level, highlighting her commitment to meeting the varied needs of her students.As an active member of her previous district’s math committee, Merideth played a pivotal role in developing a transitional CCSS math curriculum for elementary grades that was used for three years prior to the next math text adoption. She has also been instrumental in providing district-wide professional development and math coaching, ensuring that her colleagues are equipped with the tools and strategies necessary to support student success.In addition to her contributions within the classroom, Merideth has passionately mentored future educators, hosting 23 student teaching interns from Western Washington University (WWU) and Northwest Educational Development (NWED). She has also guided over 15 science and literacy practicum students from WWU over her career, sharing her knowledge and fostering the next generation of teachers. In addition, Merideth has been a NWED supervisor for retooling candidates and interns. Outside of the classroom, you may find Merideth playing trivia with friends, traveling with her family, gardening, going for a long walk or hike, or getting lost in a good book.

Are you a current educator with a PD idea? 

We'd love to hear from you about becoming a contributing author. 

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